Waterloo math admission average reddit. 999 will also be below the threshold.

Waterloo AFM Admission. Theres gotta be a better way of displaying this. Aim for 100. 15 votes, 58 comments. Just wondering about other people's thoughts on Minimum cumulative university average of 80% with a minimum of 80% in each math course at the university level. Waterloo Math & Geomatics Deferral FAQ; Comprehensive post on Math Admissions; Engineering Admissions. If you want to apply for cs it will likely decrease your odds. International students. The thing is I don't have any decent extra-curriculars. If you're applying to an Engineering program and you repeat a required course, you may have five percentage marks (5%) deducted from your admission average. You will still get a great job with UT CS. U. Carleton is way down the list. 0 in both reading and listening, 6. available slots, but I could be wrong. true. My current average is a 91. I currently have a 76 in Advanced Functions. I had like a 95 ish average with extra curriculars ( jobs, sports teams) and a pretty good AIF and got in last year. Waterloo is a first tier university in Canada and maybe the world. the earliest math offers are sent out are march 15-19. Chances at Waterloo math/cs and UTSG/UTSC cs: top 6: Calculus and Vectors: 100% Computer Science: 100% Computer Engineering: 100% Advanced Functions: 99% Data Management: 98% English: 97% Overall Average: 99. Took all advanced math courses and have a 90-95 in all of them. For CS/BBA the waterloo side is more competitive than the Laurier side (my friend with a 98. Your admission average would be 82. here are my specific stats. Math offers have already come out for some 105’s as early as February. Is there any benefit to applying to more than one math program on OUAC? Waterloo Engineering is somewhat holistic. I'm a first year Math student. I missed the admission deadline, should I apply for Winter or apply to another university and transfer next Fall? What does "Status: Matriculation" mean in context of admissions into a program? Math Admissions. Hit me up if you have any more questions or concerns. Times sure have changed. English: 86, Advanced Functions, 92, Calc: 95. Extremely high. How accurate are the admission avgs at Waterloo? Hello, I'm an incoming grade 12 student starting to look at different programs. I mean you should always aim for 100% lol. Also, Math/CPAs are more cliquey than AFM in general. At Waterloo, your admission average will be the Make sure to apply to the program through both Laurier and Waterloo to increase your chances. I did the coding and math competitions from waterloo as well and didn't do amazing but still did fine. President of my schools DECA chapter. I have strong ETA, and I wrote a good profile and I think the interview went okay. About the CS and Robotics, they are options and fall under "CTS" courses, which most universities discredit immediately. hi! i am a student from alberta looking to apply to waterloo electrical eng. But low to mid 90s should be enough. GreatCanuck. Don't worry about it. My grade 11 top 6 was 93% average, I just applied to Carelton for Comp sci and mech eng to see if I would get accepted as a backup plan for early admissions. This isn't just some meme, it's what happens. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. A minimum special major average of 70. Switching into co-op requires an 80 average, while switching between programs within the same department has a maximum requirement of 80 average, most of them will be 70+ . Typically, when an Ontario student enters UW Eng, their average drops by 14%. I've heard in the math fac the AIF score is only an integer, so no . . did they work at google in highschool or smth damn. My accepted average for top 6 was 88 for admission in 2009 CS. Waterloo's website says the admission average for physics is low 80s. Yes, and they will not even blink twice. (First year, Waterloo Math) Any questions, just ask! Hey Hey! I am a first-year student at Waterloo Math, I graduated last year with a 97% average and applied generally for computer science programs. 0 in writing and 7. [deleted] Waterloo math has admission rounds in march and may. Reply. There’s a post on r/uwaterloo regarding the current statistics and I can personally show you the official stats if you want (official stats locked to only uw staff & students). If we want to be even more realistic, suppose you do 2 terms averaging 6k a month (very generous for Canada/first years), that's 44k in 2 co-ops. skatertomato1. It's with this information that we determine which students are admissible. I am interested in studying Physics and potentially even a double major in Physics and Mathematics. Even though entrance averages are probably around mid 90s for many programs, there’s still many students who get in with relatively lower grades but an amazing AIF. 5 average enough for waterloo math? if ur aif is good id say u have a fair shot. If your grade was 70% or higher the first time you took a required course, we'll use that grade and not adjust your admission average. The average admission grade for UW CS/SE is nearly 98%, and honestly, no one gives a damn about whether you get a 100% or 99% or 98% or 97% The Reddit LSAT Forum. • 3 mo. u of t's 'prestige' is overrated and won't carry you in grad school applications. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Instead, in high school I took all 3 maths, and for my first year course The requirements for coop are higher, generally set at a top-6 Grade 12 average of high 80s-90. You might get rejected if they found out you have a serious criminal record or are a threat to the school. 0 overall, 9. my average was around 95. Computer Engineering Chances. I go to a semestered school, so we only have 4 of the final marks for our courses in February, and the other 4 come in late June, and last offers come out in May (if I am not mistaken), so they cannot use sem 2 final marks. It's crazy how much the acceptance averages have gone up -- my guess is enrolment numbers vs. My final grades as of right now round up to an 86. Most of my friends had around a 96%-98% admission average however. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. A community for grade 12s in Ontario to discuss things about university admissions, OSAP, OUAC/OCAS uploads, and general program queries. Go Geological Engineering!!!! I don't know if it is still the case, but back in the 90s Geo ironically had the both highest salary on graduation, and the lowest admission average. Hi! I am a grade 12 student applying for Waterloo math for fall 2024 entry. Waterloo has a solid reputation for attracting some of the smartest math students in the country, and the environment really helps you learn and become more passionate about math. Fair shot if ur AIF is decent, its gonna be uphill battle though Whoever got admitted to Waterloo AFM, what was your top 6 4U average? Also, I wanted to know whether you included or excluded MHF4U and included MCV4U. 64 votes, 44 comments. Getting a solid low 90 average with 3-4 extracurricular/volunteer should ensure acceptance. I'm going into my junior year having finished BC's equivalent of Advanced functions with a 97%, grade 11 level chemistry at 94% and concurrent studies experience of first semester Mid 90s. 6. I saw a lot of comments on posts saying that if your average is below a 90, you need to submit an abs to get accepted. This year is pretty hard, most of the cut-offs are 87-89 % for most Eng programs. cliffanderssen. Make sure you fill out the AIF, have lots of extra curricular because iirc, the AIF form is worth up to 2% average on top of your 6 course average. admission fall 2024. AIF matters more than marks, I got in with 95. Hey, what’s the admission average for Waterloo mathematical physics (from either the math or science side)? U don't need a 99 average with god like EC to get into all eng, comp eng is going to be on the higher end, but i've talked with many people who got accepted into engs like management, civil, or environmental with sub 95 top 6. " (from Waterloo's CS admissions site). I know that by the end of this year, my average will be at a 91-92%. Program-wise I think AFM is better if you want to go finance. 3 CAD to 1 USD. No. but now the base is like 40% of the number this paper might have you believe. You still have a chance. They consider all of them, so your average, at best, is mid/barely high-80s. Canadian high school students. Aif was nothing special, in a couple of clubs, but nothing all that notable. Some job opportunities are any data analyst positions or a junior data scientist (for the time being to gain experience). Regardless, they're pretty entertaining and informative courses, and I usually get high 90's and 100's in them. I have an admission average of 91. If your're wondering why, it's because CFM follows the SAF tuition which is regulated differently under Ontario law. For students who have not taken university-level math courses we will consider previous high school mathematics courses (provided they were taken in the last three years). The chad (s) that got SE with 80-84 average. I have a 90-ish average in grade 12 so far for midterm. I have applied to specifically System Designs Engineering, Computing and Financial Management, and CS/BBA. At least in my year, there were a fair few around your average. If you're anywhere in the low 80-mid 80's range, with solid math and CS marks, you don't need to worry at all. The CFM tuition does substantially increase after the first year. Hows your AIF? if your math is mid-high 90s u could 🤔plus a good aif with math competition participation might guarantee you tbh. Don't think it makes a difference which courses are your highest so take a couple courses you know you can do good in. . I’ve just got a few questions about the admissions process and would really appreciate it if somebody could help me out. Engineering programs; Stream 4 I’m currently a first year undergrad in the accounting finance field. UWaterloo Math Admission Questions. If you need someone to chat with, text 741741 to the Ontario Online & Text Crisis Service. If I want a career in AI, which one should I…. CS at Waterloo is not too difficult to get into. Is 90. Very high. In fact, I would probably recommend only taking 6 classes in grade 12 if you If you really want to guarantee a entry knowing a professor you have done research with and having them supervise you and vouch for you. February 16, 2024 at 11:59pm EST. If you want to go for data science, you can also do that. 4% average with 6 u/M Math, Physics, AP Comp Sci, English, History, Chemistry. Yes, they will. They are smart, you can't deny that though. Was shooting for an offer for CS Coop, but hey, an offer's an offer. my current creds are: • 95 midterm average (98 avg last year) • IB program • School basketball • In the process of learning web development (already learned HTML, learning CSS right now) • volunteer math tutoring • job of 1 year Use the admissions megathread. Hi, I'm a grade 12 student in Ontario and I'm hoping someone can answer my questions about waterloo's planning program and/or give me some advice. r/OntarioGrade12s. However, you might find it easier to get into SYDE if, for example, you have a low 90's average but great EC's. 2. While CS tuition is constant at around $1400/course. looks like nic chen made a few followers for himself. Incoming MMath student. Personally I have a 95 going into grade 12 and I have no expectations of getting into Waterloo CS. just wondering how waterloo uses the top 6 grades for our averages. I think my grade 10 average was around 93-94 (2019-2020). Personally i would root for waterloo math as it is a very versatile program. realistically though it is closer to 92-93ish. ago. 5 and maybe even a 90. Over 60% of people admitted to Math had over 90% average source and CS, especially co-op, is one of the more competitive programs in the Math faculty. It will be way easier if you talk to your professors (who you did your research projects with) prior and they are willing to take you. Please also make sure that you read the admission wiki before you post any questions/comments. Pie1_2_3_. The contest is nice since it's used as a tie breaker but it won't make a massive difference. People have gotten in with low 90s but good ecs. Physics 30 (grade 12 physics): 90 Physics 20 (grade 11): 80. Advanced Functions (taken 3 times) recent attempt in private school- 97% - midterm. Some other small things like volunteer computer lab maintenance and Food club. they look at the quality of student, not university. It says on the site, that I have a 66% chance of an offer with CS last year had an admission average of around 93% so I imagine this year it was higher since they had a record number of applicants. I can tell you that barring extenuating circumstances, Waterloo does not admit students into CS with an average below 80. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. Hello, I am a grade 12 Ontario high school student who's looking to apply for Waterloo Math, but I'm confused at how they look at my mark and math contest results. Some of the phone numbers can be reached 24/7. 5%. Do Math/CPA is you're interested in math or want to go into quants-related field, or leave your options open for other math jobs. Compare that to Uw math, the program I’m in, at only 25% coop employment rate for the same admission year compared to ~55% 1B employment historically. 5. If I have a 92 average this year so far but my grade 12 advanced functions final is 90 and grade 11 English final is 78, do I still stand a chance… I got into Waterloo math without computer science, I didn’t apply to computer science though. 2%. I got into AEO Ivey with a 96 Canadian high school average but I chose Waterloo Math/CPA instead. S. Offers also not from SE but related program :) But take imaginary company X, pays 110k average for new grads, 55k stock/yr and 20k bonus. This is based off of past performance of students. Currently doing a double major in Math and Stats and I'm graduating next year. they also didn’t ask for extracurriculars. We read and score your AIF, we calculate your overall admission average, and we look at individual course marks, such as your math and English marks. Alternatively, consider reaching out to UW-MATES. 999 will also be below the threshold. 0%; or if a SMAV does not yet exist. waterloo health science admission offer. If you're likely to focus on a non-cs math discipline in the future, then UW Math is definitely the way to go. If you don't have final grades in some of your courses, we'll use mid-term or predicted grades. 5s. If you have encountered extenuating circumstances, mention it in your AIF; they will factor it into the decision. High 80's isn't entirely accurate. To declare Actuarial Science as a major, joint, or minor, students are required to have: Completed MTHEL131 with a minimum grade of 60. Waterloo Engineering (Mechatronics Engineering Admission) Hello everyone, I applied to Mechatronics Engineering with a 96. These deadlines are the same for all other Faculty of Mathematics programs (including Honours Mathematics and Computer Science). If you need help now, please check out UW's list of emergency numbers. I'd say decent chance. i didn’t do too well in grade 11 but my marks for grade 12 are a lot better so i was wondering what my chances are. I am wondering what are the differences between the three programs, their respective advantages/disadvantages. Wouldn’t be surprised if waterloo is still rolling out those offers. Senior robotics design team. Currently, my top 6 marks are (including English): The math and computer science curriculums are so easy to the point that it just doesn't accurately reflect how smart a person is. it also has to do with your adjusted average since Waterloo eng uses alumni from ur HS to basically calculate the level Coming into my first year this September my expectations based on what people are telling me was around a ~75%-85% average because everyone said your marks drop 10% - 20% from your average in high school so when I got a couple of 88's on my quizzes and assignments for my math 135, 137 and cs 135 courses, instead of trying to improve my mark I just felt satisfied. 88%, not sure if it gets rounded up or down. All the best, OP! What was ur average for UW math. i am very interested in waterloo math and i was just wondering the admission average is my current grades in functions is an 83%, which isn't good, but i am not putting much effort, Average for this program shouldn’t be a big worry, I think something in the mid eighties will be just fine. In 22 months of co-op (4x6 co-ops - 2 months because it's never a full 4 months), you need to average $12,641 per month after taxes. I want to pursue a career in actuarial science or statistics, but I also want to learn about pure math itself. And strange question, I also have the opportunity to go to law school as well. Basically Waterloo has a system where it “adjusts” your mark based on the school you come from. -Wikipedia. The general things that will give you the best shot of getting in would be a 95+ average, a strong AIF (mostly ECs, leadership roles, and awards/achievements), and good performances in the math contests, especially Euclid. Assuming you're a normal student, you have nothing to worry about. Questions about Mathematical Finance major. To get this, we take 82 + 84 + 80 + 78 from the four required courses, add 86 (Music) + 83 (Dramatic Arts) to get a total of six courses, and then divide by six. they accept high 80 averages with crazy euclid scores or other outstanding (like one in a thousand) math achievements, which is why the website says high 80s because they don’t want to discourage people from applying. Please let me know which Math is more important. 4. My admission average was 94 so I got accepted quite early but I had friends with < 80 averages that made it in, and are now nearly graduated. What average would make you competitive for the Waterloo AFM program? At the moment I'm sitting at an 89 percent average with 4 U courses already done (English - 93, Accounting - 96, Law - 92 and Business Leadership - 90). Whatever is the result came from your best effort. In most first year math and cs classes, the average hovers somewhere around 65-70. As someone else said: most students come into math having gotten 90% and over in high school with relative ease, then their averages plummet to mid 60s in first year. Other programs at UWaterloo may have different application deadlines. good luck! By this math, again ~305k first year compensation. "Career and Technology Studies courses are not acceptable academic courses. There is this current trend going on where people think you need 95 averages just because some people "claim" they got rejected/deferred with a 95% average. The $284,728 figure is an arithmetic mean, the median is $260,000. The number that being said, assuming you're an average student, go to uwaterloo. I've heard broad ranges for averages because AIF can have a pretty good impact on it. • 4 yr. Hello UW applicants, This thread is specifically for those who are applying/applied to UW to discuss different admission issues and ask current UW students for help and advice. Was in I got in with a 94% on waterloo side in 2021. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with admissions knowledge waiting to help. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with LSAT knowledge waiting to help. Hi there, I’m a grade 12 awaiting an admission decision from Waterloo Computer Engineering. What is the difference? : r/OntarioGrade12s. 0% Adjustment rate (ik it doesn't matter for cs): average Extracurriculars: Co-president of Math club My top six marks are: avg: 88. if they have an admissions threshold, wouldn't that mean decimals in your average don't matter? like a 98. I can't really say what the admission average required now is, but if you're 90+ you are probably safe. I’m predicting I’ll get atleast a 90 for English and mid 90s for manufacturing and comp sci. I apologize if some of these questions may have obvious answers. Hello. 3 got deferred) since you get the coop network of your home school. You should talk to your high school teachers. Top 6 average: 94. Admission requirements. I noticed that the Mathematical Finance major is a combination of actuarial science, statistics and pure math courses so I intend to declare it as my major. Admissions into Health Sciences. Before I say my average I would like it to be known that my extra curriculars are particularly lacking with nearly no club, athletic and community involvement. I had a 96 average with the courses I used to apply and did different extra curricular sports plus first robotics. Waterloo should update the average on their website. Repeated courses may impact your eligibility for We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 8. Loo Math has a threshold, and with a 95, and an average AIF you would be above that threshold. Transfer credits for students with Advanced Level (A-Level), Advanced Placement (AP), Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE), International Baccalaureate (IB), and university Hi, Grade 11 student here. I would advise against applying for a program for the sake of it being 'easier to get Consolidating the next 10 comments you will get: UofT CS if you want to study CS. So if you have a 98 and youre below the threshold, then your 98. Award. Try to get the highest possible mark. I think most universities keep 2 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I want to apply to Waterloo math but I’m also thinking about applying to the Waterloo math and Laurier business double degree from the Laurier side incase I don’t get in to just Waterloo math. For Waterloo life sciences, you're basically guaranteed to be admitted with that mark. If you were getting 99 in hs in Ontario, your predicted gpa for first year is 85. Admissions. I got 2 offers, one to Waterloo math and one to Carleton computer science. For example if you want to do software dev, you can do so. I want to get into compsci, specifically laurier/waterloo double degree or waterloo SE. The main reason was co-op, but now I realized my college experience could have been so much better and I could still The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. Neither SYDE nor CE is more competitive than the other; the entrance average in both hovers around 94~95% before adjustments (purely anecdotal). What is the difference? Since I already have 6 gr 12 courses completed, will I get my decision in march? 1. Yes doing well in Euclid means you are pretty good at problem solving but you still need to work hard to get good grades. The best place on Reddit for admissions advice. they have more generous scholarships, smaller classes, and their admin seems to care a lot about their math department. I got in during the last round of acceptances in May 2009. Deadline to submit documents to Waterloo (including AIF) February 1, 2024. Talk to your high school teachers and beg on your knees. Geo also friggen rocks! Got accepted to Math Coop with a 92. hello, i am a 105 applicant in grade 12 who applied for health science (co-op) in waterloo with grade 11 average - 88% and grade 12 average - 89. They don’t really use cutoffs but a generic ‘minimum average’ to include those students. If you don't meet the conditions of a condition al average, you don't get in. pretty much if you don't meet the condition you kind of don't deserve to get in anyway. The average goes down not because students are less bright, but because university courses are fucking hard. Hi, I'm a student in grade 11 currently hoping to get into the health sci program at Waterloo (also planning on joining co-op). I’m in Waterloo honours math and I never took cs in high school. Admission Megathread. I got in with similar stats. My ECs are as follows: Co-founded 2 organizations that aim towards teaching kids subjects related to stem for free. The exchange rate used is 1. Not really. Would anyone say my current standing is competitive I'm currently a grade 11 student looking to apply to uni next year. For reference, I requested a decision as 105 last year for Math DD, and was accepted March 6th, after receiving an email saying they couldn’t guarantee it as well. If you're taking grade 12 courses in grade 11, you have plenty of chances to round out your top 6. I am a grade 12 Ontario high school student and my top 6 average will be between 88-89. The figure is first year compensation, which is usually much higher than recurring pay due to the sign on bonus ($50k ~ $100k USD) The number of students in the graduating class is 92 + a few students who transferred to CS. 8 UW side 2 years ago. Chemistry 30 (grade 12 in progress): 100 Chemistry 20 (grade 11): 84. • 10 mo. Better get to work. 0%; or, for Business Administration and Mathematics Double degree students, a minimum grade of C- in BUS121W. This company hires a lot of Waterloo devs full time. I got in with a 93% in Alberta with really average ecs so I think you have a good chance. 2 average and a decent AIF. Coming in with 80% average (if you get in) would imply you'll most likely drop down to mid 50s average. I had tons of extracurriculars however and a very solid reference for my AIF, plus is was Covid lol. It's always a gamble on who gets in and who doesn't but I'd be somewhat confident about your chances Hellow!I received my admission decision yesterday for all my three choices, CS, CS/BBA (I got in from Waterloo side), and CFM. From around $600 per course to $1600 per course. high school students. 0 in speaking. And it's not the end of the world if you don't get in; there are lots of pathways to enter the tech industry. But you have two years to catch up. Some years it goes up a bit, but if it goes up, you'll also need a higher average to successfully transfer. Laurier BBA admission. 3, English 30-1: 74 (I heard that if you’re a international student UofT doesn’t look at your English score?), Math 30-1: 90, Math 31: 98, Physics 30: 92, Chemistry 30: 89, Biology 30: 87. 98% average and coding experience probably lands you at an ok chance at the program, but By experience SE admission really looks for high school internship and competition when choosing people to send out offers to first. North American students. I’m an international student getting my degree in Canada. So overall I think I’ll have like a 93 or 94 average. 8 has no difference to a 98. And my IELTS score is 8. Ontario high school students. Please also note that any admission Yield protection (commonly referred to as Tufts syndrome) is an alleged admissions practice in which an academic institution rejects or delays the acceptance of highly qualified students on the grounds that such students are likely to be accepted by, and then enroll in more prestigious institutions. Enjoy your last year of HS! my average was much higher than needed but i’m pretty sure mid-high 80s is good. sz qe ji ju ee vz dd bf pz nd