Reddit aita for yelling at my wife. 173K subscribers in the redditonwiki community.

You both need therapy. Fast forward a bit. Some background that might be relevant: I work full time. You for yelling because that solves nothing but I understand you're at your limits emotionally and mentally. Throwaway: Me (34M) and my wife "Jen" (32F) have a wonderful son named "Robby" (7M). After Hindus have their wedding, it's customary for wives to offer their husbands a glass of milk during nighttime. [deleted] • 2 yr. I couldn’t believe what she was saying. Yall need to sit down when you've had some rest and everyone is calm. Around 3pm I get a call from my daughter’s school saying that no one’s picked her up (my wife’s job) so I call my wife. Their mother walked out on us for another man when our youngest was around 4. They bought an apartment together close to me (35) about 4 NTA. If you have a problem with your partner you being it up, you don't let it fester until you ruin all memories of her wedding forever. For context, My wife and I now have a seven week old baby and sleep has been difficult to get. stop defending your mom‘s horrid/childish behavior, it’s pretty obvious the dynamic between your wife and your mother, but your mother is not YOUR child. She has been going to therapy since, and we started marriage counseling during Covid. I [25M] and my wife [24F] have a 2-month baby. " It is better to leave satisfied (they mean eating) instead of having a lot of things, which when you die you will not be able to take with you, but at least you English is not my first language so I apologize in advance. My wife came at me saying I was being an asshole and super intense. This cannot be undone. Lisa has two siblings, an older brother David (28) and a much younger sister Katie, who just turned 12. I've been working here for about 6 months so my wife knows this and understands that she should not try to contact me by my cell at work. However the question is about the way it was handled-yelling and giving her the cold shoulder. AITA writers are just generally bad at identifying characters however they do it. yelling has always been a trigger for me, past trauma strikes again, and both of them knew this as i Ten minutes passed and so I asked my kid to come talk to me. I won't liewhen I saw those 20 missed calls from my wife I was seriously pissed off. ) I (47M) had an argument with my wife (47F). AITA for being heard yelling at our children while my wife works from home. " I have rheumatoid arthritis. Your ex told you 4 days ahead of time that she wasn’t available Thursday. New account because my wife uses reddit. wife AITA for yelling at my wife for taking down a special anniversary painting I bought her so she could display her sisters basic drawing. Today at work one of my good friends asked if he could borrow some money for groceries, (seeing how if the roles were reversed he would do the same, and has paid me back on time I get home from work at 6 and my wife gets home at half 6, however, I got home early from work at half five, when I got home I found my wife yelling at Daisy while Daisy was just sobbing and apologizing, I asked my wife what was going on and all she did was just start yelling that Daisy had cost us a bunch of money, my first thought was that OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I yelled at my wife who was dealing with a car wreck and called her dumb for being in it. I got really annoyed at my wife at this point. Asshole. If she doesn't havebthat lightbulb moment, it's just going to be constant yelling. Your mother is disrespecting you and is disrespecting him, for not understanding the way family works. I ended the ten minute talk with my kid and he went back to playing. Erin had told my mom that we want to wait until the baby is born before inviting family into the room. . My daughter said that her mum sprayed her perfume on the balcony and then my wife said that since she paints her nails on the balcony because I don’t like the smell I can also spray my perfume on the balcony. She has been since she was a teenager (she’s 43 now) AITA for telling my wife it is time she went back to work? Not the A-hole. We get to the hospital and they want to run him through some X-rays and he’s screaming bloody murder. This guy is a jerk. 173K subscribers in the redditonwiki community. I have been with my current wife for 6 years and we just had a baby together My father Bob (69) has a wife/girlfriend named Julie (66), they are not married and have been together for about 15 years in a long distance relationship. Turns out he was my wife's husband. Apparently she was too stunned and couldn't react in time because she was with their newborn. I call 3-4 more times before I rush out to the school. this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he YTA. AITA For yelling at my deceased brother's wife that I'm not her husband? My M31 brother passed away 16 months ago, I have two brothers and he was the youngest. She could barely breathe and I am very angry. Prior to this he'd been staying over on weekends and I discovered he snores loudly. 2 I shouldn't have yelled at her for asking me to take responsibility as a parent and that it was toxic behavior of mine. When my grandma died, I was sad, but not that sad as we weren't close. My (34 M) wife (29 F) and I have been married for a few years now. My wife yelled at me that I needed to let it go. We are in the process of divorce. You have let this go on for 2 years. In her family they eat too much, this is because they said: "what is eaten is what is safe. You should have found someone, not expected her to do it or assumed all was well because you hadn’t heard anything. Also, noise bylaws in my City start at 10 pm. I thought that was ridiculous and I noticed how my wife looked at our daughter (14F) . Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. Beloved friend my arse. The lion is still on maternity leave from her job as a teacher this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. This went on for about 2 weeks. Occasionally, and this just happened yesterday, she will say something like "you know I realize that when I yell at you, a lot of the time it's not your fault but I'm triggered by something you said that reminds me of my mom/sister" or "I only yell at you because I'm frustrated about my family". Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. My wife (38F) and I (33M) have been married for 8 years. Knock on wood, most of the time I'm fine and can do stuff myself, I'm VERY lucky to have effective treatment, but when I have a flare up, it sucks, and he's always willing to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. When he came and sat down to talk my wife started yelling at me that I was being too serious. Not the A-hole. Hey y’all. I felt that she was neglecting our daughter and prioritizing her new baby to an extreme extent. Two of their friends who were close by pulled both of them out soon enough, but for me I literally thought my wife was going to drown. I bet the joke was something along the lines of “You’re fat and ugly”, “Every woman her would be a better partner than you and if I’d had the chance I would leave you here and take her home” or some other very unfunny shit that’s just what he really thinks of her camouflaged as a “joke”. He may be prepared to avoid the car getting closer and closer, but there is no way for you to be sure of that. Busy guy! Glad you ended this. When I met my wife she was quite chubby but she lost weight at the doctor's recommendation. Your wife for not reading the situation when you've said she can do as she wants and you're obviously at your limit. Reply. Absolutely NTA! Adopted or biological, this child is your son. We have had no real fights until about two nights ago. I (18m) work a full time job, and still live with my parents (53m, 48f). She works about 15 hours a week. Was this right in light of the provided info. Unrelated but the "my wife went away to a sleepover at a friend's house" makes me think there's a kernel of truth to the story but the people in question are, y'know, sleepover aged. the whole trip was basically tense chaos with a lot of fighting and yelling, bleh. AITA for leaving my Going to bed at 1:30-2 am is okay, if you have a night job, kids, evening if you don’t work. This is the inverse of a recent AITA where the mother had done a 12 hour shift and came home to the toddler trying to feed the baby because the “father” had locked himself in the bedroom for the time and “didn’t realise [mother] hadn’t fed them before [she] went to work. My wife has been out of work since 2018, she had a mental break down during her fifth year of teaching. " You blew up at her inebriated and escalated things with yelling, threats, and unnecessary comments like her being “sick in the head. r/AITAH. In your case, it seems like your wife is dismissing you for her family all the time without a real cause and that's a real problem in your marriage. We where high school sweethearts and have worked through every inconvenience in our relationship. She's amazing and that's a fact, no if or buts. Thankfully he was out of the house for 13 hours a day for work & commute. One thing you need to know about Jen is that she is a perfectionist. Today they were particularly hyper due to them just completing their last day at school. People cross-post… aitaposthrowaway. The dog is going to do what it's going to do whether your wife yells at it or not. My mom had a lot of resentment for her mom, so we hadn't seen each other through the years. she was on the right to leave, you should have defended her, in fact you should’ve told your mom she was in the wrong when she called the dinner your wife made tasteless. So, AITA for yelling at my wife to go back to the kitchen? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I planned on having a civil talk with my wife at home but before leaving, Shane walks up to me and says, “your wifes been complaining about you. I went out to defend her. I really liked M and thought they had a life together, and was so mad at him for chasing after some other girl instead of So me and my wife have only been married for a year but dated about three, when we where dating I had told her that I disliked tattoos and asked her to not get any, she agreed. I wasn't able to make present opening or dinner because I had to work all day. and if my wife took down sonething that was a symbol of our love to hang up a drawing done by her homophobic fundamentalist family… i’d start to wonder why i even bothered. Thanks to u/Twigz8771 for suggesting this BoRU. eventually the sister and the rest of her shit family will get back in her head, she’ll leave her wife, and settle down with a man like a good little christian girl Im sorry, but you will always be the second girl. mrs. we'd take turns in giving her rides to the hospital/work/grocery store and we'd It'd be more like "my ex-wife, my ex-wife's 2nd husband, my ex wife's-ex husband's wife, my wife's stepdaughter, my daughter's half-brother" So many of them will write things like "my sister's daughter" rather than "my niece". AITA for yelling at my wife over $2. 370 it is a class C felony to steal mail addressed to three or more different addresses or to steal over 10 separate items of mail. AITA for yelling at my dad for taking $3,500 out of my bank account? Not the A-hole. I know the title sounds bad but hear me out. I was wondering where all the Six Figures Tech Job people had gone. Usually, during the night, I am the one that changes his diapers, while she goes to the sink to empty her breast a little so the baby AITA for yelling at my sick wife? : r/AmItheAsshole - Reddit true The fact that he seems to believe his addiction and recovery is hard only for him. It was my wedding night l, I was drunk, and I was sick of being overruled as a parent and doing this on my wedding night was the So in that time you managed to 1) take everyone’s advice to heart; 2) call off the engagement; 3) return the money; and 4) plan a trip to Italy. Yup. Over the more than a decade I have known my wife she has slowly - very slowly - acknowledged her very traumatic childhood - one filled with emotional and verbal abuse. Sorry for my English My wife comes from a family of fat people, the majority in her family, both maternal and paternal, are. My (27F) brother (30M, B) immediately started dating this girl (Em) after dating his ex (M) 10 years ago. And she was proficient in woohoo. I started telling her that if she didn't care about my physical safety than she can stay out of Washing my hands can take a half hour several times a day. But to function you need to get a decent amount of sleep. Washington State Law on Mail Theft. AITA for recording my wife yelling at the kids : r/AITAH. A class C felony is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. I am too, but I side more with my wife on the social implications. During her third pregnancy, a man came with two teens and my very pregnant wife started verbally arguing with the man. I need peace and quiet while I do it. Tell her she either stops, or the two of you look for a new home for the dog. AITA for yelling at my best friend's wife to get over herself? My (27m) best friend's wife (31f) was almost robbed in her own home 4 months ago. We have a portable toilet for a toddler. For the next 30 minutes this post is in. My ex still stays in contact, though, and pays child support. So, wife (52F, lion) and I (13M, baboon) have a four-month-old daughter (warthog) together. We live in the USA, but we are based in India. Your wife is in this too, OP. You defended your son, as a good father, and as far as I see, yelling at your mother hardly matches the cruelty of her upsetting her 5 year old grandson. I’m calling bait. He's probably burned his bridge with both of them. I can assure you, the body was cold :)" This is absolutely fucking appalling. 12. AITA for telling my wife she's overreacting. ThrowRAcleaning_prob. It’s hurting Talia a lot. AITA for yelling at my partner over his incessant snoring. ago. I have witnessed her sister act abusively towards her child. 4 months ago we got our first child. Well, the silent treatment finally ended after 2 days and Erin told me what set her off. I’m betting this bitch was his piece on the side for years, and he married her when his first wife died. AITA for openly yelling at my SIL at my wedding after directly telling her no, only to have her ask my wife behind my back. Her poor fucking body wasn’t even cold before he shacked up with this floozie. Turns out the friend was only yelling because she cut her leg against a sharp rock, and that made me even more angry. She woke you up at 6:50. Alrightly, a little bit of back story. So here's what happened: My mother had been looking after the kids until 3:30 while we were at work. This upset me greatly, and I ended up yelling at her. My wife works from home and often has zoom meetings with her coworkers. See I know the title sounds wrong, but please His wife's parents were disgusted I was talking to him and eventually my parents had to really force them to leave. When everything had calmed down, I got the full story from my wife. I (37M) have three girls; 8, 10, and 12. I think I could be the AH for yelling at and making my brother's pregnant girlfriend cry after she threw away the steak I was cooking and then kicking her and my brother out of my house. Now she has gone to stay with her friend for a sleepover as it was planned but she hasn't texted me once and didn't speak to me at all on the hike down. 56. Eggnoglattethrowaway. Carl proceeded to yell back at me, saying don’t ever raise my voice at his wife, they left shortly after and Anna has since blocked me and is begin even more distance. We offered to host Christmas at our place for the first time ever and what ended up happening was we made a ton of food and all these sweets because we thought we had a lot of family showing up. He is correct that yelling at him could distract him, but your obvious excuse is that people who are frightened tend to get louder when speaking. It was an open casket and my mom forced me to touch the corpse. We have one child together (5M). There was some chicken and I told my wife and eldest daughter specifically to save me the drum sticks so I could eat it with my rice later. For reference our kids are all under 5 and two can't swim. She had me running around getting her money, stressing about going to her dudes house (he's never fucking there but she always insists we go), asking a different dude just for I don't know if I was asshole for the way I blew up but my wife think so.     Go to AITAH. My (59m) wife Ann (52f) is amazing and I'm not saying this because I'm burying the lede here. My wife of 5 years is a huge fan of Calvin and Hobbes. This is hard for her too. Before this incident, my phone has never gone off in the locker before. A few days ago, Katie had her 12th birthday party. However today I did. You stuffed up, and you’re trying to make it your wife’s fault. During that time we discovered that with a change in his allergy meds, his snoring was far more manageable and allowed me r/AmItheAsshole. AITA For Yelling At My Wife For Nearly Killing Our Child? Fockin ridic. Reply reply. I was able to fake it. Don't want anyone to identify me, so I'll be using different names (animals, like the Life of Pi) for privacy purposes. My dad used to visit Julie on the weekends while he was still working and live there for most of the week after he stopped working. She also talks too much. When I came back from work, I noticed that she was drinking a couple of beer in the living room. She's constantly cleaning, sterilizing and organizing things around the house. Help keep the sub engaging! Hello Reddit! I have just downloaded Reddit because my niece said I should post this story to the AITA board so here I am! I am not very good with … AITA for yelling at my (f31) sister (f28) over her husband (m28) Oh cool, we haven't had a Good Sibling Tech Job Six Figures Career Person vs Single Mother Slutty Slut Leech post in a while. Your wife’s behavior was inappropriate and excessive, and your son had every right to feel upset. 9. I don't like talking to anyone much except my self. They told me to go take care of whatever it was making my phone go off before I went back to work. In my eyes safety comes first, not emotions. The neighbors threw a party yesterday that started in the early afternoon. TLDR: My wife screamed at my son for no reason and got mad when he spoke up for himself and then storming out when I told her that he was right and that she was being completely unfair. Your spouse is an aggressive driver. She was blending some food with a hand held blender and the food had become a paste and was jammed up inside the blender. If you have full custody, then it’s your responsibility to make sure someone is lined up to watch your son. Phones are dropped off in our lockers and I typically have mine on Do Not Disturb. You're not an AH for talking to her about it. THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. ESH a bit. ) My brother John and my wife's brother David are also close with each other. 2. But today I've had it. She might as well yell at the weather every time she doesn't like it. I (34 M) got married to Ashwathy (34 F) recently (arranged marriage). It's not many of us at all. YTA, how dare your wife not look into the future and know that you needed help WALKING TWO BLOCKS. Throwaway account my wife follows my main. I thought at first it was because she was afraid to leave our children with the nanny, but that wasn't the case. "I didn't wanna seem like a jerk, so I acted like an even bigger jerk. ADMIN MOD. Originally posted to r/AITAH. Fast-forward a couple years we are married now and she goes on a trip with her best friend for 3 days and during that time they decide to get tattoos without saying Daisy then ran out crying and I left my wife to calm down while I comforted my kids (they were all crying in a different room while my wife yelled at Daisy). During the funeral, my mom kept comparing how my cousin (same age, also a girl and we are close) looked sadder than me. So I (33M) moved in with my partner (30M) of 6 years back in July of last year. My wife's (F/24) oregano dealer is flakey, annoyingly so, and I (NB/26) usually just go with it cause I love my wife and I'd do anything for her. NTA. My sister has been really freaking out all weekend, my parents – they all live in my hometown – have been concerned with her safety in regard to travel. TRIGGER WARNING: Miscarriage, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, physical violence, Egregious exploitation. It is very rare for me to yell at my wife as I don't like yelling and she genuinely is just a wonderful person, so I rarely have the desire. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. SmolOracle. In my early It’s so telling. It was unusual - she came with no dowry. AITA for yelling at my wife? (Excuse my English it’s not my first language. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. I could and maybe should have been more calm and respectful, maybe that makes me the asshole. She asked if I was going to yell at my aunt for being a bitch, or yell at my mom for marrying Rick and I said no. She took today off of work, so she could be up at 4AM to play her online game at launch. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. The neighbors were yelling throughout the day, and the noise peaked at 11 pm. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. AITA for calling my wife crazy after she screamed at our son? Not the A-hole. I want to get her medicated but my ex is against it and says she doesn't need it and has convinced my daughter that she doesn't need it either. AITA. Up to this point we've been a very happy couple, and I truly love Sarah. Subreddit Announcement AITA for flipping out after my wife screamed at my daughter for being loud? My ex wife and I have a daughter (17) with ADHD. My wife (Samy, fake name) and I have been married for 15 years and together for 19 years. Yelling to get your partner's attention in an emergency is understandable. The logic here is missing. Yelling at your partner in anger after the danger has passed is abusive. He said he needed to tell his wife even if it came a year into the marriage. I also have an older brother, we'll call him John (29. I am fine now but everyone who has been hit in the balls knows you need a few minutes to your self alone. I didn’t wake up until about an hour ago (10:30, and she was still playing. She's twelve weeks pregnant with our first child, and it was a planned pregnancy. This is such a long story. this subreddit is for a podcast called reddit on wiki, that reads reddit stories. It I will try to be brief and clear and get to the point. ” Then pointed towards my wife who was angry. You had to walk 2 whole blocks home and call the tow truck all on your own, while your wife was catching on sleep in order to function at work. I told her of course, my safety was at risk so I responded to the threat how I would to anyone pointing scissors at me and jabbing them violently in the air. Reason for marriage counseling was 1000% I kick out When I'm woken up, I have accidentally kicked my partner, sibling and dad in their crotch because I flailed when they woke me up, I have also accidentally hit my partner a few times as he woke me up during a nightmare and I panicked thinking I was still in the nightmare and hit out. No phones, no smart watches, no pagers. On Christmas, we usually go celebrate with my wife's parents and a few aunts and uncles. The question was 'AITAH for yelling at my wife on our wedding night'. She goes to work a few days a week so we hired a nanny, but she leaves before my workday ends and also before my wife comes back, so I manage our son and work alone for 6 hours a week. Just stop. The two teens? Their children. After an hour of orienteering, I came back to where we were all stationed. When I am home while she works I keep our children (7f and 12m) under control and quiet. The fact that she stayed with you though your addiction, the recovery and gave up drinking in your presence shows an enormous amount of support, sacrifice and effort for you. People please stop getting into relationships with bigots and racist if you believe you aren’t one. I've read the same variation of this story over and over. i yelled at my wife and called her dumb. My (27) f and I (28 m) are currently happily married. When they got out of the water, I couldn't stop myself from just screaming at my wife who was already traumatized from the drowning and she just started crying because of me. She is the wife and mother of his child, as long as you are cool with that good for you. Our finances have always been separate. My brother's wife said nothing and my brother was apologizing to me and I asked how he could do that to me. In the middle of my shift, I got called into my managers office and was chewed out (and written up) for my phone making so much noise. AITA for yelling at my pregnant sister n law and telling my husband to choose me or her. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. However, her being amazing is a problem here or rather lack of sense of her own value as a person is the problem here. First off, the baby is ok, he cried a lot when I dropped him but it wasn't a huge fall and he didn't land with his head. Minoush19. I'm so glad my husband isn't such an asshole when I ask him to help me with stuff. His wife was pregnant when he passed away and both me and my older brother started helping her everyday. It’s crucial to address these kinds of issues calmly She began to cry and said I was being mean. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Good job. YTA. Either sit back and accept your place, or leave. Now she is angry with me, and saying she doesn't want to be around my mom anymore for marrying Rick. Still, I took the words she gave me and we had three children. Since our children were born Samy likes to do absolutely everything as a family. Original Post Sept 10, 2023. AITA for shouting at my ex in front of my daughters? Not the A-hole. It sounds like she is compartmentalizing. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. AITA? OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1 yelling at my wife after she woke me up to help with the kids. AITA For Yelling At My Brother Who Didn't Give Me The Job. Saying that your outburst brought you satisfaction to “see her crumble” takes the cake and crowns you the AH. The wife will be first until those papers are signed It depends on the situation. I was confused- I believe I did nothing wrong. What made her freeze was that this Erin continued to go off on her, calling her names and everything. She grew up in a very broken home so I can’t say I blame her for telling my sister what we were all thinking. I was going out and wanted to spray some perfume on me, but my wife told me that I should do it on the balcony instead. All of us were there, me and Lisa, David, John and his wife My wife (F33) is a big nerd, which I normally appreciate, but she is taking things way too far today. Why can't she pee in that?she said she's plus sized and she doesn't want it buckling under her weight. But with the yelling at my son it is really the first time I truly noticed the abuse she is/may be exposing my son to. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You’re not a ‘morning person’ because you don’t go to bed until the morning and have to be up by seven. I was all so chaotic, I finally had enough and yelled back to shut up and go to leave room. After having my baby, about 9 months post partum, the fact that my husband was breathing, at work, 30 minutes away, made me irrationally angry. My (30M) wife (27F) was a pretty healthy eater right up until the winter. No one picks up. She accidentally hit me in my balls, I dropped to the floor in pain. Beyond that I’m always helping change diapers, play with him, feed him, clean his clothes, bottles, bibs, etc etc. She was by herself because my best friend (27m) was at work at the time. I (22M) and my wife Sarah (22F) have been married for two years. When they started loudly counting, over and over again. ”. Your wife didn’t want you up early. . AITA for yelling at my parents to shut up? I (F, -18) was riding in the car with my father and stepmother on the way to dinner while on vacation for my birthday. de ef ol hk wc uj vd fq au wx  Banner