Rad 140 weight gain reddit. Hey y’all, just had a quick question.

No sides, strength is up, vascularity is way up, size is there, definitely have a harder look to my muscles. I do kickboxing 3 times a week and also do weight training in between or on same days but before the high-performace workouts of Muay Thai. My weight increased from 166 lbs to 174 in those 3 weeks. Better together but, YK11 could cause liver damages, it's similar to DHT and may gives same sides similar to high DHT. Anyways I got up and in after 20/30 mins. Right now I’ve gained about 1kg muscle mass and I’m on day 19, leaned out a bit so dropped some body fat but RAD also makes you hold a ton of water weight. Dose is way too high imo. I’m gonna add SR9009 next week 30 mg / 8 weeks . Works well. Negative effects *Joint pain *Suppression symptoms *Possible hair thinning. LGD will blow you up but keep in mind water retention. RAD 140 second week update / major bloat advice. Deadlift - 465x1. They said 5 mg is 80% as effective as 8 mg (per day of course). My friend gained 12kg in 6 weeks on 10-15mg of it so my expectations were to get atleast 5-6kg of lean muscle. r/sarmssourcetalk. You’re only going to gain so much muscle lifting light weights like that. Discussion of SARM sourcing and general SARM discussion Beginner SARM user, Need advice on RAD 140. Today is day 5 @15mg rad only, aside from drinking maybe more water, I haven’t really came to a conclusion as to why I’ve gained 4lbs with no change in caloric intake. I'm on week 3 of taking Rad 140. Then i stopped the rad (but continued the mk-677). Update: 7 weeks into Rad 140 and Mk-677. In the first 4 weeks you'll gain less than in the second month but you can still put on good strength and mass if your nutrition is on point. Archived post. You can if you’re running like low dose test yk 11 RAD 140 and 677 maybe on that but definitely won’t be muscle most will be either water weight and or body weight Reply Fancy-Focus833 • We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 3 week progress check on rad 140 @ 15mg. I felt a lot stronger and just knowing I can move the weight helped a lot with my confidence. More than without rad I mean. I have Shredding . 6'10"/m/24yo for reference. I started my rad 140 + mk677 cycle 2 weeks 1 day ago. I have done many cuts naturally during the past and I have had a lot of success with them. My starting body weight was 182lbs and by the end of the cycle I was 201lbs so a body weight gain of 19lbs which I was extremely happy with. Slight weight gain 4-5lbs, most likely water retention. RAD 140 has significant androgenic activity, whereas LGD 4033 has mostly anabolic properties. Increased fat loss. I was doing research for last week or so on what SARMS to start and I came to conclusion to start rad 140. It takes 4 weeks for RAD to fully saturate in your system, so the biggest gains you see week 5-7 after that in most cases your androgen receptors will be burned out and gains star to diminish. I was content with what i kept. Week 11 (5 days): 25mg RAD-140. how is the stacking of SR-9011-rad140 to gain mass during a diet? is it possible to achieve both weight loss and November gain in this process? Locked post. The study by LoRusso et al. Rad is great because it's dry and all sarms are muscle sparing so long you keep your protein high. WolfmanBTBAM. Cycle was 10mg of Rad140 for the first 4 weeks, then 15mg of Rad140 for the last four weeks. 4 weeks at 10ml, 4 weeks at 15ml, and the rest at 20ml. Rad 140 How much muscle gain to expect? I will be running 10mg ed for 8 weeks. It's been 2 weeks now and I haven't We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Posting this just to start a documentation of my cycle. And I just couldn’t get it up,the rad killed my schmeat. 1. I also stacked MK677 for the duration of the cycle at 10mg a day. 10lbs muscle gain, 5% body fat loss. Trim lifting volume back slightly. Yeah, i lost the same amount of fat without the rad, but the lean mass increased a little, also added more weight to the bar. I am maintaining my weight while losing fat and adding muscle. Now Rad is a different beast. Users’ stats: Height: unknown; Starting weight: 145 lbs Feb 26, 2020 · Awards. Approximately 2-4 lbs. Testosterone would be superior in every conceivable way, if you aren't scared of needles. I read your eating 3. I went from 177 to 197 in that time with little water weight and no extra fat RAD is going to be more dry gains, and typically LGD is recommended for bulking cycles. 66K subscribers in the sarmssourcetalk community. So far gained about 1kg but idk if its lean muscle tissue or just fat. I have been taking RAD now for exactly 3 weeks. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Tldr; positive effects from a week of rad 140 *10lbs gain *95lbs bench press to 165lbs *Overall insane strength increase *Muscle definition increased. Test is bioidentical. Im at a point in my physical development that requires me to eat at a slight surplus to gain mass. Lifting 5-6 days 2 correlating muscle groups for each day. 6kg muscle mass and 79kg total. I currently eat 2000-2500 cals per day and 180+g of protein. I was much the same as other guys here, bench went from 190lbsx5 and I'm now still comfortably benching 220lbs for 5 after PCT, squat went through the roof gained 30lbs on that too. Andarine S-4 – 50mg per day, 25mg in the a. Reduced prostate size. I've gained 3-5 lbs of muscle every cycle minimum. Weight gain. So I am basically 18, 186cm and 102KG, and yes I am too young but I have been training for a few years and reached my natty limit. Been eating almost every 3 hours and filling myself up, I got a fast metabolism and genuinely hold onto food for about 3-5 hours so it’s very tough for me to gain weight. I've been taking 12. How’s my physique looking so far? This is my first cycle on sarms. More strength than mass, it seems some say. One of the strongest sarms being ran with what I think a unsafe side effect profile. Feb 28, 2020. Squat - 475x2. Bench 190 to 225. 25mg Enclo daily on top of my Rad 10mg a day. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now (around 6') I always struggle with weight gain during to bad diet. I'm currently in a 600 calorie deficit eating around 2400-2500calories and additionally doing 2-4 days of cardio. Now I’ve been off for just over a week and noticed I’ve dropped in weight. Weight gain week 4 . Side notes: for my next cycle I want to document a lot more of the changes such as muscle size and strength measurements. RAD 140 MK677 cycle results I did 7 mg of RAD 140 for 10 weeks. Here was my baseline bloodwork: 5’11” 210 lbs - eating 1,700 cals and under per day. Then finally, the last 4 weeks of the cycle I ran 10mg of Nolva as well. SARMS arent the same as steroids so dont think youll gain 20lbs in one cycle either. No Broscience, No misinformation. I will be posting before and after, just want to know your guys weight gain? Archived post. Main goal is to gain mass and strength. LGD-4033 gives u more muscle but it also makes u gain a lot of water weight. About to go on 15mg rad140 with 10mg mk-677. 10-20mg/day is fine. LGD mass gained seems to be mostly water weight, while RAD-140 is dry muscle gain and you get stronger this lift heavier. Rad 140 muscle gain and weight loss. 8 kg muscle mass. Go to sarmssourcetalk. Fat will drop rapidly doing this. I am 35 , 6'1" and I weight 161 pounds. Definitely planning to take this opportunity RAD 140 8 Week Cycle. Weeks 1-8 RAD 140 at 10mg EOD Week 3-4 add Enclo at 3mg EOD to see how I react then up to 6. So it makes sense that my strength gains stalled. I will say though there really isn’t going to be much benefit from adding in RAD if you’re obese and trying to lose a ton of weight. 8lbs) of water weight which dropped off the following week post-cycle. Available information: This RAD 140 only transformation was achieved in 12 weeks. I would drop to 1500 cals using your current tracking system (don't change it) --- see what that does for you. Brello777. Strength plateaued after week 5. 5k calories at 130lb 5’7 and you lost weight, which means you have a fucking powerful metabolism. ADMIN MOD. Btw, im sooo happy with results, im got really stronger my bench press got from 45lb per side to 65lb as well as other things in the gym. 10 mg for 8 weeks will be just right to cut firmly. I ended up looking like the machinist lmao, I was pretty jacked previously. Hi I’m looking to run a SARM cycle of RAD 140 I’ve never done any cycle before and was just looking for advice. Before i started my weight was 72kg in total and 56. The numbers: 8mg a day for 6 days so far. So here's the results: WEEK 1: Overall not much that is noticeable. You can get anywhere from 3-8 lbs of lean mass on a bulk. after 3 weeks i was back on 59. Good gains buddy , I would have suggested starting with 5mg rad and 10 mg mk 677 , then in week 3 introduce 20mg MK677 taken twice a day , upon waking up and before going to sleep , if you could split the mk by 3 for 3 doses in a day it would be best that way you'll have a constant pulsatile release for 8 hour periods of time and 10mg rad pre workout. I’m planning to do an 8 week cycle. 25mg ED. I’m entering week 4 of 5 mg/day, planning on going 8 weeks and it’s great. RAD will help you preserve muscle on a cut, and guess could potentially allow for better nutrient partitioning. 23 pound gain. In 2021, the first-in-human Phase 1 study involving Testolone found preliminary evidence that RAD 140 offers “target engagement” of metastatic breast cancer (mBC) tissue. -Broke through plateaus by at least 40lbs more on the bar. I believe last time I bulked on rad I put on something close to 4kg(8. 5mg. Yes it is man. Longer cycles are not recommended, and you should at a bare minimum have 5 weeks off between cycles without using any SARMs during this time. 9. Only combo of Mass Gainer and I’ve been taking rad 140 for 20 days now at 10mg. From 10mg to 25 there might be at the most 10% more gains. Is that a normal change in weight. Didn't hit deads as much as the increase Archived post. I did gain some definition that had been stubborn until then. I have cut down my weight from 140kg to 95kg (height is190cm). I'm a week in now. JoePaul39 said: I would cut until you are under 15 percent body fat (assuming you aren’t right now). • 6 yr. Citrus Bergamong (500mg in the morning, 500mg at night) – Cholesterol. I’ve gained 3kg but I’m getting leaner, is this normal? ( I expected to gain weight, but I didn’t… Pros of RAD-140: -Strength gains. What you saw is more than likely in your head dude, especially if you’re not even eating enough to gain 1 lb a week. -Endurance for lifts went up. I did 8-10mg for 8-9 weeks gained 7-10 lbs about the same body fat. Diet, sleep, workout in check. Have seen massive gains either the weights I’m putting up in the gym, but also have a massive weight gain. Everyone has their favourite of the two, but from what I've heard, LGD-4033 is the stronger one. Advice: Cutting on RAD-140. I have lost a lot of weight , 20 pounds of fat. Rad 140 vs ostraine which is better getting blood work done tm and it’s my first time taking sarms I have mixed feelings with the side effects of rad and was wondering if I stacked something with ostraine can it have the same results I’d like to gain muscle and keep my weight any suggestions thx Yo! I was on a rad 140 cycle and cutting, 20mg/day during 8 weeks. Rad 140 fat loss. Aug 14, 2020 · The main differences between RAD 140 vs LGD 4033 are: RAD 140 is better at building mass in a short time, whereas LGD 4033 produces more consistent gains over long cycles. Stats pre cut: 5'10, 194lb Stats current cut (2weeks): 5'10:200lb Current Cycle: RAD 140 12. I am currently about to start week 6 of this 11-week cycle of MK-677 RAD-140. I am at 10mg right now going into my third week. non liver toxic. May consider ending early or adding in Ostarine. It's a commonly sold stack but you put no details in here. Prior to rad, was losing weight consistently. 7 kg muscle mass. My strength actually went up on my OHP and I'm eating at 1900 cals and dropping daily. And yeah I mean if you don’t care about muscle loss than by all means go for it. Research shows that the leaner one is when they bulk the more prone they are to put on more muscle and less fat because the body does better with insulin management and nutrient portioning. concluded that RAD 140 shows strong “antitumor activity” and has efficacy as an oral mBC treatment. Yes you can bulk on it, energy balance (so calorie intake compared to output) is going to determine the results in terms of packing on lbm. 25mg of Enclo ED. Some of it is fat. More protein than when ure off cycle rad will pack the muscle on with a swiftness while recomping, shredding fat and the mk will help with fat loss and keeping ure muscles hydrated and help u sleep like a baby it's the best in my opinion We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Thats like comparing a ford focus to a ford mustang. TESTOL 140 is FDA-approved and thus legal to purchase for human consumption. During my cycle everything went well, and it was going much better than the last cycle, at the end i hit 60. I started Rad140 2 weeks ago immediately following a 4 week cycle of OST/Card. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Rad-140 for weight loss but build muscle at the same time upvote Weight Gain upvote View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. I basically had malnourished myself for 2 months previous as I was going through a really bad time and got addicted to the booger sugar. I’m on day 18 on RAD140 20mg/4 weeks. The scale isn't moving. Apr 14, 2024 · The purported benefits of RAD 140 are: Increased muscle mass. Increased strength. I have had a lot of success on a previous bulk with RAD and I am 4 weeks into another 8 week 8mg cycle on a cut right now to get leaner for a Trip in April. Some users will choose a shorter cycle of just 6 weeks while more advanced users will extend it to 10 weeks. #7. Week 3-5: 15mg RAD-140. Jan 16, 2024 · 12 Weeks | Bulk | RAD 140 Only. Body weight: 206lbs Bench press: 225lbs for 6 reps, (1 rep 245lbs) Deadlift: 345lbs (shit) Squat: 265lbs for 3 (shit) OHP: 155lbs barbell for 6, 80lbs dumbbells for 5. Goals: Bench 225x1, 185 for reps Squat 225x3 or more - week 5 complete. Dec 2, 2023 · RAD-140 is not the most commonly used SARM among women, but Testolone is tolerable and produces excellent muscle gain results in females at very low doses. I’ve always been a fairy lean/built dude but this really helped me fill out. Feb 13, 2023 · TESTOL 140 is our recommended RAD 140 alternative, mimicking the anabolic effects of RAD 140 but without any testosterone suppression or liver toxicity. and 25mg 4-6 hours later. I still have one month left) we’ll see what’s gonna be. 6 ft 175 pounds Bench 175 Squat 215. As far as weight gains you wont get too much maybe a couple pounds. I have gained 23lbs in the 6 weeks and seemed to have lost definition. Numbers after 8-9 weeks on Narrows RAD: Bench - 315x1. 8 weeks total at 10 mg with roughly 10 lbs of lean mass gained. Will post updates on efficacy. Previously, before starting RAD-140, I had gyno because of excess weight in my teenage years. My friend did the For a SARM, it’s good for bulking yes. Posted by u/momnono - 2 votes and 29 comments Water weight is a thing and it’s about the only thing that makes drastic changes in such a short amount of time. Please correct me if the thought process is incorrect. 5mg a day split between AM and PM (it's the liquid from Venogen, 10mg per ml). So I just wanted to share my experience with Rad-140 (Deus Medical) and tell you what you can actually expect from it. I've definitely gained weight. Don't sacrifice your health. 1 1/2 hour sessions. I went from approximately 161 to 168. Week 6-10: 20mg RAD-140. This case of RAD-140–associated cholestatic liver injury had an assessed Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network causality score of 1 (probable) and a severity score of 3 (severe injury). Start date 10/28/2019. This time around I’m on week 2 of Rad and have introduced 6. And so we walked to a hidden spot outside, I was super stoned at this point. 5mg to 10mg is sufficient for females, with some even taking 7. Rad-140 at 20 mgs a day for 12 weeks stacked with mk677 @25mgs at night b4 bed eat tons of protein (quality) and decent amount of carbs. . I had trouble with repping weights over 5 reps per time. 5K subscribers in the rad140 community. Listen. Theres a point of diminishing returns with sarms. I also have a coach and done a lot of research about this component. You can drop like 12-14 legit pounds of fat separate from water-weight. Hey, just wanted to share with u guys my 1st month results for rad140. The goal of the cycle was to gain muscle and strength. I’ve seen MK 677 used to help bulk (seemingly if you follow the new appetite it gives you), and to cut (if you deny yourself the extra calories it seems to want). You really should be doing like you said, 10-15mg. Week 2: 10mg RAD-140. Then maintain your new weight for a month or two while you bring calories back up gradually. Subreddit for discussion about Rad140. Tracking this strictly (and easily with OmaD). Stenabolic SR-9009 – 30mg per day, 5mg split doses 2-3 hours apart. 5mg of enclo ED for PCT. Hey Guys, posted here last week regarding my first RAD 140 cycle from Venogen and just wanted to give you a quick update and get some advice. So, I just wanna say that it really On my 5th week of rad 10mg/Ed cut, keeping alot of strength went from 201 to 185 currently. r/rad140. Why have I gained 15 pounds in 2 weeks of RAD-140 & MK-677, but I'm not seeing any muscle gains? My arms look the same size even though I jumped from 153 to 170 in a couple weeks. My experience with Rad-140. Did I gain more muscle or fat in those weeks? And by train I mean eat properly, stimulate the muscle properly and rest. Also there’s water weight gain/lethargy at night but this helps with recovery, sleep, and skin. A lot of my friends were commenting on my size. I’m currently running LGD 5mg ED, MK-677 12. Nutrition, and calorie expenditure through training are still the main contributors to fat loss. The user took 10 mg/day of RAD 140 in the first 8 weeks, and 20 mg/day in the final 4. I am starting at 15 mg a day and I will keep updating progress every week. RAD-140 gives u leaner/dryer muscle gain but less muscle. All those goods slowly fade after week 6 for me into slight acne and lethargy until I'll stop and fully recover. I have noticed that my gyno has become more severe and has Rad 140 + Mk677 7 week results. Hi everyone just wanted to share my 7 week rad 140 results. Discussion of SARM sourcing and general SARM discussion. No noticeable mental or physical gains or loss. 185 lbs, ~18% BF , 5'11. I’ve done 1 cycle of 11 weeks of RAD 140. My cycle would be. -Ryan. I basically lost 10kg in about 2 months. Week 1-11: 20mg MK-677. It’s hgh sarm so it’s not anabolic or going to make you blow up. For context I’ve been on 10mg/EOD rad 140 for 8 weeks with no pct yet, just about to hop off and pct in 2 days. My diet is mostly Turkey, Chicken, Spinach, Broccoli, and blueberries and 250mg protein a day with 2,200 calories. Thoughts? Hey guys, Wanted to ask what the expected gains in lean muscle if I take rad 140 at 10mg a day for 8 weeks with a base of 1 year and a good diet and good sleep any advice would be great as well as taking enclomiphene citrate. . I went from 183 to 194 in 2 weeks. Anyways, she started talkin bout how she wanted to fuck. PaleJoe. 10mg RAD-140, 5mg LGD, 20mg MK677 has been consistent through entire cycle. That is to say, cut your food calories from 2500 to 2000, and add enough cardio (simple walking) to burn another 300 per day (the amount burned in about 30 minutes). What I noticed was an immediate increase in body weight. But 4 weeks isn’t at all enough time to see significant changes let alone 2. I have been taking 5mg ED and since week two I started taking 6. : r/rad140. Oct 8, 2023 · The standard recommended RAD-140 cycle length is 8 weeks. Rad is more so towards strength. Is this normal? I thought Rad140 was supposed to be used to help with cutting fat as well as increasing strength. Don’t need test base or PCT. Obviusly huge suppression will occur. Been on Rad140 for 6 weeks now. Dose 10mg at night. 25mg EOD till end of RAD cycle Week 9-10 - 12. 5mg after finding a good balance between results and side effects like acne, fatigue, and dizziness. Just for recovery and calorie intake. I mean in theory as you increase your muscle mass you will increase Jan 1, 2024 · During any RAD 140 cycle, one should take the following supplements as on-cycle-therapy to mitigate side effects: Fish Oil (up to 6 capsules a day) OR Krill Oil (up to 3 capsules a day) – Cholesterol. I've noticed strength gains but nothing huge . ago. Thinking of stopping rad and seeing if I can cut some of the bulk. Right now I am at 175 15% BF M27 looking to get around 12%. So I actually weigh more even though I am also on a Cut/re-comp cycle. RAD 140 also has some side effects to its name, with the two biggest concerns being an increase in irritability and aggression. MembersOnline. I changed my goal from gaining mass to cutting a tiny bit of fat while maintaining the gains at week 4. New comments cannot be posted. Testosterone suppression will also be present. RAD is great, but has more noticeable sides and is more so for your cutting up and adding lean dry gains. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) (800-1200mg/day) – Liver. You will also get a particular look, more rounded or pumped, due to the substance in your body. ) Dude gains were nuts. Vitamins/supplements were NAC, Berberine View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit What should I expect for weight gains? I’m going on Rad 140 especially to get more weight. Anecdotal evidence by users of RAD140 RAD itself will not significantly effect fat loss directly. Probably the cycle may be 60 days 4+4mg YK11 (splitted) + 10mg RAD140. Your "actual" deficit will now be closer to 1700 or so. 5mg and GW 12. Reddit User & Source: u/GlobalGains. • 4 yr. RAD 140 has an average cost of $60, whereas LGD 4033 costs $40 on average. Im a ex college football player thats 6’1 and weighed around 275lbs so I’ve been big for a while, I’ve currently been on a big calorie deficit (around 1500 calories a day) my target weight is to get down to 220-230lbs but still maintain my muscle mass and weight I push when lifting. • 3 yr. Toxichrist86. 9 - 12 Similar Nolva is a good pct to have on hand just in case. m. To understand the pros and cons. I’m always of the opinion of using the minimum effective dose on anything. Testolone RAD-140 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a. Due to it being lockdown the only excercise I get is when I train as I’m not out walking everyday like I used to be, to make the most of the fat loss from the compound do you need to be actively burning calories by walking for example or will Beginning of the cycle, I feel amazing and energetic, slight aggression increase and huge strength increase. Week 6 of rad check in. About 5 weeks in to my Rad 140 cycle been eating just above maintenance calories. Mk-677 at a high dose (25mg) can easily put on 4-8lbs in 2 weeks from water weight. 2K subscribers in the rad140 community. I know my starting stats are low but they are what they are. Cut hard and fast, stop at 175 lbs, do a 3-day carb re-feed. You’ll find huge dudes and pros doing 25-30 but you don’t need that much. Science based discussion on harm… Hi all, Just a quick preface; I've ran a few cycles of rad-140 before (couple years ago) however never on a cut before. What are y’all’s opinions on mk-677, cause having a hard time gaining weight, was counting calories and eating 4k a day and gained about 13 pounds but have been stuck at 175 for a while Reply reply We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Finished my 8 week cycle of RAD-140 yesterday and these are the results. TESTOL 140 is best utilized when bulking for maximum hypertrophy and strength. I did dirty bulk gains 10 kg on 15 mg. 5mg ED, and Enclo 6. Since you want to lose weight and gain muscle, I'd split them out, do a cut on an ostarine cycle which will help you keep muscle while losing fat, and then recover, and then do a rad cycle on a mild bulk to build muscle. Artoosh. I have the ab muscles in genetics but am Rad 140 1 month results / bef&after. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Cardarine GW-501516 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a. Im 5'11" stick to a strict well balanced diet high in protien. -Muscles felt denser and popped more. Hey y’all, just had a quick question. 6 weeks into 15mg RAD140/10mg mk677 ed Started 250lbs, recomped to 256lbs. Biggest selling point for LGD4 over RAD140, for me, is human trials. TNE would deliver results far quicker and more pronounced than RAD-140. 8 To our knowledge, ours is the sixth case of SARM-associated drug-induced liver injury and the third case associated with RAD-140 use ( Table 2 ). Squat from 215 or so to 260. •. Even with a dirty bulk eating popeyes, whataburger, chick-fil-a, protein shakes, 1740 calorie protein shakes it’s tough. 2. Increased vascularity. And what you do gain you could have gained naturally by running a program meant for strength, not what’s probably a circuit-based KB routine meant for general fitness. Science based discussion on harm… Good shit man ! 120lbs is a fuck ton. can be run for much longer… much safer/more researched, more weight gain, more muscle gain, more strength gain, superior in every aspect. This can't possibly be all water and food weight can it? Rad 140 Week 1. Sep 25, 2019 · RAD-140 Cycle for Maximum Lean Mass Gains. ie qz ir tx xq al qv cv fb wo